Monday, July 21, 2008

I've been TAGGED!!

Thanks Erica!!

3 Joys:

My husband (I love to make him laugh)

My 4 beautiful children

My good friends (GNO's)

3 Fears:


Praying Mantis (I once abandoned my kids in a parking lot trying to get away)

Heights (I want to jump! j/k, I won't let my kids anywhere high)

3 Goals:

Do a Triathlon or another full marathon

Visit Italy.

Be a better Mom/Wife/Cook

3 Current Obsessions:

Blogging (I had no idea this was so addicting)

Chocolate, Diet Coke and my "Eddie" (lets be honest, I need them daily to get by)

Planning for the New York Girls Trip in November

3 Random Facts about me:

I hate messes of any kind (I can't function among them)

I can't get enough time in the sun at the beach or pool with PEOPLE mag. and Maui Babe.

I love my DVR (Reality TV is my guilty pleasure).

3 People I tag:

Ashlee, Jolynn and Heidi


Kacey said...

I saw your link on Lora's and Angela's blog. Just wanted to drop a hello and let ya know I was taking a peek! (cute blog!) Your kids have gotten so big and congratulations on your 4th...I remember someone telling me you had another baby. She's adorable!

Ashlee Swensen said...

You're lame you know I like reality t.v. I just woulnd't put it as my top three although I probably should. By the way what is an eddie?

Angela said...

I seriously love you and Eddie! My life would be quite dull without you around!

Melissa said...

Cute tag! Your blog is so cute!