Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Kindergarten Already?

Yesterday was Tanner's big day! He's been counting it down for a while now and it has finally come. He was so excited to start and to ride the bus with his friends, Jake and Brady. We misunderstood the bus pickup time and missed it which was a bummer on the first day. So I drove him to school and he was a little late. But other than that, he said school was cool and said he learned some rules and songs. Today, we made it on the bus and I was able to get a picture of him. I'm so glad he's excited. I miss him around here, but I'm anxious to see him progress and continue learning. Three in school, one to go!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Surgery Day for Tanner

Tanner had several ear problems and infections like many kids when he was little. In 2005, he had his Tonsils/Adenoids out and his second set of ear tubes put in. Well those suckers stayed in place for three years (very unlikely) and had to be removed. The doctor said this is rare, but they have to be removed to make sure they don't create a permanant hole. So today he went into Primary Children's to have the surgery. It was a great experience. They are so great with kids there, he want to go back for surgery again!!

After getting into his little surgery clothes, he got play playstation, color, play with doctor tools and pick the smell that he would be put to sleep with. He met the anethesiologist, Dr. Tanner and thought that was sooo cool that a "Tanner" was going to be with him during surgery. He asked if they'd wheel him back into the OR in a wheelchair. It was so funny.

After the surgery, we met him in recovery where he was still sleeping. We asked him how things went and he said,

"Mom, I didn't even go to sleep!"

I assured him that he had and he said,

"I'm SERIOUS Mom, I didn't go to sleep!"

I showed him the picture I took before he woke up and he said,

"Oh, well, can I have a slushy now??"

And that was that. We were drinking slushies and were on our way home within 20 minutes. Our other kids have been mad or irritated coming out of anethesia, but not Tanner. He was ready to go! After a second slushy, of course.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Can we PLEASE have a puppy Dad?

Ever since Hailey was little, she has wanted a dog. We have always said no because Stoney and I don't need another "child" right now. Our hands are full!! I think I would crack a little easier than Stoney after today. Aunt Liz brought her sister Suzanne and her two new baby puppies over for lunch last week. My kids thought they'd died and gone to heaven. They had such a fun afternoon playing with Sketcher and Tucker. I do have to admit, they are adorable. Although dogs are not in our families future, even though our kids beg to differ, it was fun to play with them and send them home.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Scattegories Tag!

It is definately harder than it looks!
Use the first letter of your name to answer the following. They have to be real places, things, names...nothing made up! Try to use different answers if the person who tagged you had the same first initial. You can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

**what is your name? Jen
**4 letter word: Junk (in the "trunk")
**vehicle: Jag
**tv show: Jetsons (I used to love them, "Meet George Jetson, daughter Judy....")
**city: Jacksonville
**boy name: Jack
**girl name: Jillian
**occupation: Jail employee
**something you wear: Jamies!! In them right now, have been all day.
**food: Jello (Tanner's idea)
**something found in a bathroom: the John.
**reason for being late: Just got up.
**something you shout: Jump!!!

Sorry Lora, it took me a couple of days.

Ok, I tag Ash, Jolynn and Amanda Moore

Monday, August 18, 2008

Back to School!

Today was the first day of school for Hailey and McCall. We've had a fun and busy summer, but boy are we all glad to have some STRUCTURE. I just can't believe Hailey is starting 5th grade (What?? When did she grow up?) and McCall starting 2nd (feels like she should be in middle school with her attitude:) One more week and Tanner will start Kindergarten. He's excited and a little reluctant at the same time. It will be a great growing experience for him. It is crazy to think I have 3 in school. I love watching them grow up but truly feel they are slipping through my fingers when I stop and look at how fast time is passing. I hope all they have a wonderful year and I have a little more quiet time with Mia.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Our first 10 year-old

Hailey turned ten years-old today. We can hardly believe that we have a child this old. She is soo excited! It is bitter sweet to us. We love watching her grow but its sad to see her "little girl" days begin to pass. She had a fabulous day. She started with her breakfast of scones, bacon and eggs. Then we went shopping and out to lunch with her cute Aunt Liz and cousin Sawyer. She had a blast spending her birthday money and getting some new school clothes. For her dinner, she also picked the chicken pillows. We finished the night with cake and ice cream and her favorite show's season finale, "So you think you can dance!" We thought it was bedtime, but she wanted to stay up until she was OFFICIALLY ten years-old. She was born at 11:52pm. on August 7, 1998. She got her wish and then she went right to sleep. We love her so much and it is great having her in our family. She is our peacemaker. Happy Birthday, Beans. You are amazing!!!

And on that note, we are completely and officially done with our birthday season until next year. Now we recover from the party destruction that has hit the house. What a fun few weeks it has been!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Finally Five

Tanner is "finally five" as he says. He is probably one of the last of his buddies to turn five. Yesterday Tanner celebrated at his Incredible Hulk water party. He had lots of his buddies over for fun in the sun playing in the water. They played on the bonzai waterslide, played a water balloon relay race, and hit at a cheap piniata (the hanger broke off after the first two hits). He opened gifts and got embarrassed when we sang "Happy Birthday". But after about 2-3 cupcakes, he was doing just fine. He loved spending time with his buddies and thanks to all of you for coming to help him celebrate.

Today he woke up to his favorite breakfast, "PANPAKES with POWER SUGAR". He was feeling a little nauseated all day for some reason so he had a tough time staying happy. We went to the library where he got his own library card that he's been waiting for (you have to be five). We made his favorite Mac and Hamburger and had cake and ice cream for dessert. Both of which he barely touched due to his tummy ache. What a bummer! He kept making comments all day like, "My tummy hurts, I guess I'm just not used to birthdays" or "My tummy hurts, I guess I'm not used to parties and cake". We laughed inside.

He ended the night by finally learning to ride his two wheeler without training wheels. He's been trying for a while, but tonight he just had the courage to try and it paid off. Good job, Tanner. All in all he had a great day . We love you, dimple boy. Happy Birthday!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Winterton Semi-Annual Christmas Party

Between June 22nd and August 7th, everyone except Mia has a birthday in our family. Even more crazy is the fact that all three of the kids have birthdays that are within 10 days of each other. Needless to say, it is a CRAZY 10 days. But, fun anyway. Today we celebrated all three birthdays with our extended families. We had fun making mini pizzas for dinner and finished off the night with a big cake for all three kids. It was a fun night to celebrate this crazy season and three of the best kids ever. Happy Birthday all of you! Thanks to all of you family members who came and who refer to this party as the "Winterton Family Semi-Annual Christmas." That is certainly what it feels like. We love you all for coming and celebrating with us!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Breaking Dawn Book Party!

Ok, I don't know if you'd call us loyal Stephanie Meyer fans, crazy, excited or pathetic. Any adjective will do. But, nevertheless, we were among the mass of people at bookstores everywhere at MIDNIGHT Friday night waiting for our copy of the new book, Breaking Dawn. We decided to go to get the book on the first night it was out months ago but when 10:00 pm rolled around and after a long day with our kids/work, we were ready for bed. BUT, we powered through and headed out. We went originally to the Barnes and Noble in West Jordan where we had our book reserved. They were having a party, basically a wedding reception for Edward and Bella. The advertisement encouraged formal dress and as you can see, many people got right into that idea. We didn't but were amazed at their ambition to do so. We asked a few if we could take their picture and we just went ahead and took pictures of others without them knowing. We thought we were fans but we had no idea how crazy people were over this! WOW! We caught a few pictures with Edward and Bella before we left continuing to laugh our heads off. Anyway, we walked out of the store at 11:00pm and went to get a smoothie at Iggys. On the way over there, we passed a much shorter line at the Deseret Book. I saw some old friends and neighbors who were pretty close to the front. We debated on what to do since we had wristbands for a place in line back at Barnes and Noble but were #600+ in line. To make a long story short, we got our books at Deseret Book and were out of there by 12:15am and headed for our beds (after reading a couple chapters first, of course). Thanks, girls, for a fun night and a couple really good laughs!

Friday, August 1, 2008

St. George Trip

We went to St. George over the 24th of July Weekend and stayed at the Condo. It was so much fun to get away from the 100 degree heat into the 108 degree heat. What were we thinking??? Because of the heat, (and my personal obsession with the sun,)it was definately a POOL weekend. We spent each day either at the pool, eating out, watching movies or at the pool again. We loved spending time with the kids away from home with just the six of us. One night I told the girls we'd do pedicures and they thought it would be funny to include Mia, too. She was less than cooperative, but the pictures were funny anyway. I love my family!!! Family is where it is at and what memories are made of.

Picture Tag!

1. Shoes (I wear these everyday at some point)

2. Children (McCall is having her 100th bowl of Golden Crisp for the day)

3. Kitchen Sink

4. Family Room (It's clean? That is weird.)

5. Fridge (Notice we are out of milk. That is always the case at our house. We go through about 3/4 a gallon a day! It must be McCall's cereal habit, ya think?)

6. Laundry Room (This is clean, believe it or not)

7. Closet (Doesn't everyone iron in their closet? How embarassing!)

8. Self Portrait (I'm sorry you had to see this extreme close up, WOW.)

I tag Jodi Davis, Liz Johnson and Jody Nice